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As a part of the First Steps series from 9 Marks, this brief book was written in plain language for those with no church background. He shows us where the Bible came from, why we can trust it, how to read it, and how it's relevant today all with an eye towards Christ.

Join us for our interactive class on parenting. We also have a few books on parenting in the bookstall. Here is a review of one by Paul Tripp who gives us Gospel principles for parenting.

The kind of preaching that honors God and builds up the church unpacks the meaning of biblical texts and thus does not shy away from explicit and direct biblical texts. How can we help our kids process these passages of Scripture?

Sunday 7/11/21: The campus is closed due to a storm.

Pastor Josh and others will be taking us through the beatitudes this summer. As the text is exposited the teachings of Jesus will shine brightly.

As a part of the First Steps series from 9 Marks, this brief book was written in plain language for those with no church background. He shows how we grow as Christians as we train. Training looks like reading the word, praying, and worshipping, joining and using our gifts in a church. We also grow by loving the lost by pointing others to Jesus who do not know him.

During the Sunday School hour, we will be going through the minor prophets.

I read a number of helpful books this last year. Here are ten that I found both accessible and helpful.

In 2020, the elders have allocated the annual Harvest Offering to be divided between a retirement gift for our supported missionary, Dale Armstrong, and towards a new projector and screen for a stage update.

Dr. Gentry taught a survey of the book of Ezekiel, showing the unfolding plans of God in history...