
This fall we are launching a new series in the book of Isaiah entitled Looking at Jesus: King, Servant, and Conqueror. I’m excited to preach through a major prophet for the first time ever, and expect God to do a great deal of good work in our lives individually and corporately.

Some might wonder why anyone would get their hopes up about an Old Testament book written to Judah almost three millennia ago. I’m just taking Paul’s lead from 1 Timothy 3:16 where he tells Timothy “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable…” Paul would have had the Old Testament at the forefront of his mind with this instruction. Jesus would tell us to pay careful attention to Isaiah as well. You’ll remember that after his resurrection he appeared to two guys on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:27 “and beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.”

So, Paul said Isaiah teaches Christians how to live a godly life, and Jesus said look for me when you read your Old Testament. This may explain why Jesus quotes Isaiah more than any other prophet. And, don’t forget that Philip used Isaiah evangelistically to lead the Ethiopian eunuch to faith in Acts 8.

But, how does Isaiah speak of Jesus? The book of Isaiah is broken up into three major sections that describe what the coming Messiah, or anointed King, who would save Judah would be like.

  • Chapters 1-39 tell us this Messiah would be a king
  • Chapters 40-55 describe him as a servant
  • Chapters 56-66 describe him as a conqueror

This side of the cross and resurrection we know Jesus is the Messiah Judah looked for. Therefore, as we are looking at Isaiah for the Messiah that would come, we know we are looking at Jesus who is the true King, Servant, and Conqueror.

One of the commentaries I will be using throughout is Alec Motyer's The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. If you would like to pair up your devotional time with our current sermon series, Motyer also wrote a daily devotional you could use to prepare your heart entitled Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation. You can pick up your own or sign up for a copy in the lobby on Sunday. My wife has already purchased our copy!

Let me encourage you to pray that the Holy Spirit would use this series to revive our hearts for God’s glory in Christ.